Jeff Kellem

  • Re: FontLab on iMac retina screen

    There are syntax highlighting packages for the AFDKO OpenType feature format for various text editors. Here are a few from a quick search; there are likely others. for TextMate and Sublime Text: htt…
  • Re: Unicode 9.0.0

    The Bitcoin currency symbol did get approved as ₿ (uni20BF) for a future version of Unicode, back on 2 November 2015 and is still listed on the Pipeline Table. I included the glyph in my February 201…
  • Re: Opentype-Features for Bohemian Sketch

    In theory, one should be able to use the built-in OS X Font panel for that. After selecting the text to adjust, try choosing View -> Show Fonts. Then, select the gear icon in the lower left to cho…
  • Re: Greek ₯ drachma symbol

    The IBM 1403 mainframe line printer (sold from 1959–1983) had the delta in the upper left + a rho in the lower right in at least one print chain slug. I used this style in the 1403 Vintage Mono Pro t…
  • Re: Gong—how did they do this?

    From a quick search, here are some photos of Kreideschrift Gong in metal: mentioned in this thread:…